Gokul Towers, 86/3, 2nd, MS Ramaiah Rd,Gokula Extension +918066617799

Non Voice Call Center

Non Voice Call Center Service, Bangalore

Email Support

Cimmons can maintain an effective support channel using email to resolve customer concerns related to a product or service. Cimmons has established KPIs for this role and these include building customer relationships, solving customer problems, promoting products and services, maintaining your professional knowledge, reporting to supervisors and sending unresolved requests to specialists.

Chat Support

Chat support often appears on a company’s website or app in the form of a pop-up dialog box and allows the customer and agent to communicate via short, written, synchronous messages. Chat support is a key growth channel. Communicate Good communication is vital, and customers hate waiting. Cimmons takes a few steps to respond to chats based on defined SLAs.

Improved customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction increases when they are connected to agents who don’t route them to different agents for multiple tasks (each with their own wait times) but take care of their concerns across all channels. It also helps employees build a relationship with the customer, so they can better serve the caller.


Data Entry

At Cimmons, we understand that data entry is a crucial part of data management and that it is tedious and time-consuming. Leading global companies have found a key factor in overcoming this challenge by outsourcing data entry.


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